
Sopaipillas, a New Mexican specialty,  are a treat I make whenever I’m missing home. My grandmother only made them during Lent, but if I had a craving any other time of year I could  stop by almost any neighborhood restaurant for my fix. Although fried, good sopaipillas are not greasy, they are slightly crisp on … Continue reading

How to make Albondigas, a matter of taste or Z knows best?

{Follow my blog with bloglovin} Last week as we sat down to a four course meal our dinner guests exclaimed, “Alex, what a lucky guy, Gabriela feeds you well!”  To which I swiftly replied, “He doesn’t eat this way every night. Pobrecito, he ate albondigas for breakfast, lunch and dinner all week long – I was recipe … Continue reading

Mexican Hot Chocolate, An Abuelita Treat

It’s 38 degrees out, but it feels like 28. Last week’s snow is this week’s sleet. So why not indulge in a Mexican hot chocolate treat? (I swear the rhyme was an accident…) a cup of abuelita chocolate It’s the best way I know to beat the rainy Tuesday blues. So whip out your molinillo, if you … Continue reading